Port Fanchone
Hugging the coastline of an unforgiving and hostile continent, the small settlement of Port Fanchone grew around a tavern that began life as a trading post. A few more hardy adventurers and merchants now call the anchorage home, although it’s a constant battle against the jungle and its scaly inhabitants..
A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.
Contents: A 30 x 30 map depicting a small coastal settlement near a tropical jungle. This small port boasts a simple tavern and bunk house, a shop for supplies, a warehouse and a few small homes. The port is located by the estuary of a river that leads to the jungle interior, and is overlooked by a forested plateau.
A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing
A set of 300dpi full size jpeg files, for poster printing
A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20 & other VTTs
