Marshgate DOWNLOAD
Despite the eponymous marsh having been drained centuries before to allow the construction of the city walls, this grand gate still retains the history of the site in its name. But whilst the ground may no longer be treacherous, the same can’t be said for the city behind the gates…

Chapel of the Unquiet Dead DOWNLOAD
Deep in the lush jungles, the Chapel of the Unquiet Dead has been used for generations as a place to lay dead relatives to rest. In this jungle, the dead rarely stay dead for long, and so the magics of the chapel work to reduce the chance of a cadaver leaving the site to wander the forest.
A pdf with 300dpi gridded tiles ready for A4 printing
A set of 300dpi full size jpeg files, for poster printing
A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20 & other VTTs