Hello there,

As someone who has used our battle maps from DrivethruRPG, we hope you will be interested in supporting our work via our new Patreon page.  To thank patrons, we are starting a Map of the Month Club.  Please have a look at the page here

Everyone who signs up at the $5 a month reward tier will receive an exclusive, patron-only 20×20 map each month, plus frequent discounts on our DrivethruRPG releases, exclusive bonus tiles for sets like our modular kits and other bits and pieces.

Your support would really mean a lot to us as it would enable us to spend even more time making maps.  We have so many ideas and just not enough time to make everything!

Our first Patreon map will be a 20×20 tomb complex, released at the start of October – useful for Halloween perhaps.

Anyone who signs up can already download a free bonus tile for our Mossy Dungeon Modular Kit


Thank you for your support,

Joe and Sarah, Heroic Maps