The Magpie
A printable rpg battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl or skirmish game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset. The ship occupies approximately 10×22 tiles.
Contents: A small spacecraft, with a gritty, industrial feel. Areas include a bridge/cockpit, crew quarters and galley, engineering room and two cargo bays.
Uses: The Magpie could be the spaceship used by your team of adventurers, travelling between planets and avoiding the vessels of an aggressive empire, or a small privateer vessel or smuggler ship.
Download includes:
300dpi A4 pdf, with gridded map spread across 4 pages for easy printing.
300dpi full jpeg versions for VTT or poster printing (gridded)
A note on VTT use – we have deliberately kept the quality of the file high, and you may need to resize the jpeg for use in your VTT software. Keeping the file size and resolution high gives you the flexibility to use the map how you want – crop out a particular section or use the entire map, the choice is yours.
