Faewood Loft Expansion
Download: Faewood Loft Expansion
The Elves of Faewood found no peace living in the shadows of the ancient trees, so they built their town high above the troubles of the world below. Faewood Loft is a treetop village, perched high above the misty forest of Faewood. Homes are made in hollowed trees or on wooden platforms, strung together with a network of ropebridges and walkways. At night the fruit of the trees give out a pale blue glow, illuminating the walkways and platfirms of Faewood Loft.
Faewood Loft Expansion is the perfect location for numerous adventures – a town of wood elves, forest dwelling goblins – even an Ewok village if you’re playing Star Wars! Provided with both day and night versions, this geomorphic set is very versatile.

Faewood Loft Expansion is a printable dungeon floorplan compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. It can be used as a standalone gameboard, or combined with any same-scale tileset.
Faewood Loft Expansion is a geomorphic set, comprising 12 10×10 square battlemaps which can be arranged in multiple layouts. (Day and night versions of 6 different tiles). Each tile features a treetop village, with hollowed trees, walkways and ropebridges.
Faewood Loft Expansion expands the village with the following locations:
The Meeting Tree – parliament, arena, law court
The Tavern/Shop – a place to buy goods, or have a drink
The Sacred Tree – A temple, home of a holy tree
The Lift – the link between Faewood and the ground
The FourWays – a ropebridge linking area
Empty Space – no walkways or buildings – just empty space above the forest
Included: Single & double doors new for Faewood Loft, and extra rope bridges.
Also included is a set of 300dpi full size jpgs, for poster printing or VTT, in both gridded and non-gridded versions. (n.b. gridless version only available as full jpeg).